
Núria is the leading researcher on the organology of Catalan folk
instruments. Her work focuses on the study of the tenora and the tible.
Her article in the Galpin Society Journal was the first article on Catalan folk instruments in an organology journal since 1953!
- ‘The Development of the Tenora’, Galpin Society Journal, Vol. 70 (2017), pp. 169-78.
- ‘Mechanised Shawms: Comparing the Tenora, Suona and Jangsaenap’, Conference on Musical Instruments (Galpin Society and AMIS joint conference), University of Edinburgh, UK: 1-4 June 2017. Awarded Frederick R. Selch Award for best student paper.
- ‘The Metal Tenora’,American Musical Instrument Society Newsletter (Fall 2016), pp. 13-17.
- ‘Thoughts on the Evolution of the Tenora’, American Musical Instrument Society Annual Meeting, Boston, US: 3 – 7 June 2015.
Núria is actively involved in the dissemination of her research. She
has appeared on Catalan radio to talk about her discoveries and she is a
regular contributor to the online music magazine Sonograma.
'From North Korea to Catalonia: the Tenora, Suona and Jangsaenap', Sonograma Magazine, Vol. 36 (2017).
- 'Toron, Perpignan and the history of the tenora', Sonograma Magazine, Vol. 35 (2017).
- 'La tenora a l'estudi', El Taller del Lutier, Catalunya Música Radio (22/04/2017).
- 'Voltant pel planeta: a la recerca de la tenora perduda', Mans, Catalunya Radio (14/05/2017).
- 'Input Impedance of Horns with Crooks: Measurements and Modelling', Masters Thesis, The University of Edinburgh (2014).

Núria's work on sonification has been carried out as part of her PhD
project. Her research has attracted media attention from the Observer, the Independent, BBC Radio 3, and others. Find more details on sonification here.
- 'Creating and Evaluating Aesthetics in Sonification', in Filimowicz, M. (ed.), Doing Research in Sound Design, Routledge, 2021.
- 'Musical Borrowing in Sonification', Organised Sound, 24(2), pp. 184-194, 2019.
- ‘Echoing our Environment: Sonification in Electroacoustic Music as part of a Musical Tradition’,BFE/RMA Research Students’ Conference, Canterbury Christ Church University, UK: 5-7 January 2017.
- ‘Sonification of Dark Matter: Challenges and Opportunities’, 13th Sound and Music Computing Conference, Hamburg, Germany: 31 August – 3 September 2016.
- ‘The Scientist-Composer: Dark Matter Sonification as Music Composition’, Symposium on Music Composition on Interdisciplinary Practice, University of York, UK: 28-29 June 2016.
- ‘Sonification as a Compositional Tool: Blyth-Eastbourne-Wembury’, Proceedings of the Third Conference on New Music Concepts, Treviso, Italy: 3-5 March 2016.
- ‘Sonification as a compositional tool’, North West Postgraduate Music Exchange, University of Bangor, UK: 16 March 2013.

- ‘Fort Greene (for two toy pianos)’, Women & Music: A Journal of Gender and Culture, Vol. 21 (2017).
- ‘Narratives in Latin American Electroacoustic Music: Does a Latin American Electroacoustic Music exist?’, Sines & Squares Festival, University of Manchester, UK: 25 October 2014.